Please do not award any half marks
(a)What is a common fault associated with
parallel transmission?Explain this fault and why does it not apply
to serial transmission [4 marks ]
In parallel transmission,separate cables
carry separate bits simultaneously;one cable carries a clock signal
Over large distances the bits can lose their timing relationship (1).
Thus bits from the same character may arrive at the receiver with
different clock
signals;this is skew (1);the result will be that rwong characters
are received (1).This is not a problem in serial transmission because
all bits are in the same cable and cannot overtake each other (1).
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(b)Distinguish between encryption and
compression.How are they related?[4 marks ]
Compression is a process of compressing the
data to reduce the amount of data transmitted.(1) Encryption is a
process of converting plain text into ciphertext (1),where the ciphertext
is readable only by the holder of the decryption key (1).Compression
also serves as a crude form of encryption,because unauthorized user
is unaware of the compression scheme (1)
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(c)Differentiate between error correction
and error detection protocols.[3 marks ]
Error detection tells you which bytes are
wrong (and retransmission must be requested)(1);error correction contain
enough redundant information that errors can be both detected and
then corrected (1) without retransmission (1)
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(d)In a contention based system,collisions
may occur.Explain what is meant by a
collision.Is this a network fault?How do the two hosts recover from
this situation?
[4 marks ]
A collision is when two hosts send their
data at the same time.Both messages get corrupted and has to be re
sent again.(1) NO,this is not a fault.(1) The system has been designed
in this way.Both hosts will back off for a random interval and then
attempt to retransmit their messages again (2).
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