April 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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(a)(i)Explain the difference between pass by value and pass by reference [2marks ]
(ii)Identify how pass by reference is implemented in C.[1 mark ]

(b)Write a procedure,called reference which takes in two reference parameters x and y The procedure should change the two values such that on exit,x is equal to the sum of the two values,and y is equal to the difference between the two values.[3 marks ]

(c)Using a switch statement,write a function,called itoa which takes a single integer parameter.If the parameter supplied is 1 then the function should return the character a if 2 then the character b should be returned; in all other cases the function should return the character c [4marks ]

(d)In mathematics, N (known as N Factorial can be computed using the formula N =N *(N -1 ). The base case,0! is defined as being 1. For example,3! =3 *2 *1 *1 =6. Write a recursive function,called factorial which takes as its parameter an integer n and will return N .[5 marks ]