April 2000

QUESTION 1 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 30 Marks

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(a)Identify any four features in fourth generation language tools.[4 marks ]

(b)The preliminary meeting or interview is a technique designed to counter the
communication problems faced in requirements analysis.Describe briefly the sets of questions asked in this meeting.[3 marks ]

(c)Explain what is meant by the psychological and engineering characteristics of
programming languages.[2 marks ]

(d)Write down the seven steps involved in transaction analysis .[7marks ]

(e)The following are statements commonly made about software engineering;for each statement,comment and explain in some detail how such a statement may be true:
(i)Fourth generation languages frequently encourage end-user development.[2 marks ]
(ii)Second generation languages have been superseded (or surpassed in usability)
by third generation languages.[2 marks ]
(iii)Assembly languages are difficult to set.[2 marks ]
(iv)Analysts need communication skills.[2 marks ]

(f)The following is a diagram demonstrating program flow for a simple program.

Copy down this diagram,and calculate the value of V (G) using the regions method, clearly indicating where your regions are.Write down the basis set of test paths.[4 marks ]

(g)Distinguish what is meant by alpha testing and beta testing .[2marks ]