(a)State at least six of the eight fundamental
rules for designing a computer-based
instruction multimedia application.[6 marks ]
Keep cognitive load low (1)
Avoid dividing he learner s attention (1)
Use colour, arrows, shading, and sound sparingly.(1)
Keep visible on-screen the information learners need to refer
to during instruction. (1)
Clear learners working memories by encouraging frequent
Encourage dual encoding by using concrete words and different
Avoid repetition in interactions.(1)
Encourage encoding specifically through high-fidelity simulation
practice. (1) (Maximum 6 marks)
(b)(i)What is the scope
of work and what is its purpose?[2 marks ]
The scope ofwork is a written description of the proposed multimedia
project .(1) The purpose of the scope ofwork is to describe the actions
of all components of the application.(1)
(ii)What is the purpose
of outlining?Why is outlining necessary for an interactive
multimedia application, but not for a slide or video presentation.[2
marks ]
To identify and define the branching of the program (1). Slide and
presentations do not have the capacity for branching.(1)
(iii)What does a logic
flow chart represent, and why is it important in developing a
multimedia application?[2 marks ]
The flow chart illustrates the choices that the application user has
for each screen (1)I is important that the logic is stated clearly
and completely before the application is developed, so that these
choices are implemented correctly.(1)
(iv)Discuss the importance
of these documents with respect to communication
between the many various people concerned with the multimedia application.
[3 marks ]
These documents are important for communication both within the production
team (eg:the script writer telling the programmer what to do)(1),as
well as for communication between the production team and the client
(eg: the production manager confirming with the client that what is
about to be implemented is what is actually required)(1)The documents
may also form the basis of training sessions for the users (eg: in
developing a user manual which describes the effect that the different
user interface choices will have)(1).