April 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 5

(a)Audio and video specialists are needed when intensive use of narration and digitized video are integrated into a multimedia presentation.
(i)Which three tasks does the video specialist take responsibility for?[3 marks ]
Video capturing (1),editing (1),digitizing (1).
(ii)Which three tasks does the audio specialist take responsibility for?[3 marks ]
recording and editing narration (1),selecting, recording or editing sound effects (1),recording and editing music (1)
(iii)Which other sound-related tasks are not the responsibility of the audio specialist, but are better done by musicians?[2 marks ]
music composi ion (1),music performance (1).

(b)Describe the role of the multimedia architect in the multimedia development team. [4 marks ]
The multimedia architec integrates all the multimedia building blocks (1),using an authoring language (1).The architec oversees the work of the other team members (1); s/he doesn ’t need to be an expert in the craft of the other team members, but should have a basic understanding of the capabilities ofthe software the team members use (1).The architect advises abou file format and the resolution of files (1). (Maximum 4 marks)

(c)An individual has the following skills:
• Ability to identify the important issues in a complex written document
• Experience in performing extensive library searches
• Excellent ability to communicate information in written form
• Internet searching experience
• Experience in reducing large bodies of information to smaller summaries
Which role in a multimedia development team would you give to this person, and
why?[3 marks ]

This person would be best suited as a content specialist (1).Content specialists need to perform all the research on he topic to be covered in the application (1),and need to put the information into the most appropriate form for presentation within the application (1).