April 2000

QUESTION 1 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 30 Marks

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Question 1

(a)(i)Name two Internet applications [2 marks ]
Email, chat groups, WWW, mailing lists, bulletin boards and newsgroups, remote computer access (telnet), file transfer (using ftp).(1) for each; maximum 2 marks.
(ii)What is the communication protocol supported by the Internet?[2 marks ]
(1) for TCP; (2) for Transmission Control Protocol

(b)Name any one organization which has some responsibility fo the development of the Internet, and describe its role.[3 marks ]
• National Science Foundation: maintains the backbone of the network
• Internet Architecture Board: governs internet protocol development, agrees on standards, allocation of resources, defines rules of how to assign addresses
• Internet Society: promotes global exchange through internet technology; appoints the Internet Architecture Board
• InterNIC: administers the naming of computers and networks
• Internet Engineering Task Force: responsible for the operational and near term technical problems of the Internet
For any one organisation,(1) for correctly naming it;(2) for complete description of role,(1) for partial description of the role

(c)Describe CGI and explain its use.[3 marks ]

CGI is a specification (1) that allows WWW pages to be created dynamically by applications launched by a HTTP server. People can write programs that generate HTML code, which can then be viewed a WWW browser (1). Initially, the use of CGI was intended for users to access remote applications sing the WWW; now the focus has shifted to the appearance of the pages produced by CGI (1).

(d)Which language is HTML based on?Why was this particular language chosen to be the basis for HTML?[3 marks ]
HTML is based on SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language) (1).It was chosen because it is device independent (1), well documented (1), and the spefications are freely available in the public domain (1). (Maximum 3 marks)

(e)Name any one web related career, and describe the job description fo a person
working in this role.[3 marks ]
• Artist/graphic designer:responsible for web page layout;creation of graphics; will create the HTML, or communicate with the web page designer who will create the pages.
• Author/journalist: gather data, form it into meaningful information, and present it to the readers; will create the pages, or hire someone to do it
• Educators/trainers (various types): design courses; develop training material; teach topics related to the Internet and WWW; use the internet in their classrooms; use the internet to communicate with parents and students
• Internetwork Engineer: LAN installation; router/firewall installation; setup FTP sites; provide troubleshooting capabilities; provide installation customer support
• Internet/WWW consultant: provides training and support to individuals and companies
• Marketing/advertising professional: product design and presentation via the Internet for advertising purposes
• Protocol designer: specify new protocols; adapt existing protocols; test protocols
• Software engineer/programmer: develops the software necessary to run an internet server; design servers, routers and firewalls; sets up the internet accounts for the company; implements applications required for the site
• Webmaster: manages a WWW site; develops, installs and maintains web sites; interact with web page designers and graphic designers; design textual and graphical layouts; creation and installation of applications to be used by the site
• Web page designer: convert text documents to HTML format; design the layout of the text and convert to HTML
(1) for correct identification of a career name; (2) for complete description of the job,(1) for partial description of the job.

(f)Study the following HTML code.
<BODY> This is an error free page.
(i)Correct any errors you may detect by writing the correct version of the code.
[3 marks ]
<HEAD> [1]
</HEAD> [1]
<BODY> This is an error free page.
</HTML> [1]

(ii)Show the expected output of this HTML code after the corrections, by drawing
the whole window which encloses the browser.[3 marks ]

(1) for the title bar;(1) for the text;(1) for left justification.

(g)(i)What are Usenet groups?[1 mark ]
Discrete virtual discussion areas where users can exchange information (1)
(ii)Does a Usenet group give the user complete freedom of speech?Explain you
answer.[2 marks ]

No (1). As a usenet group user, you are an authorised user through the owner of the machine, who has the discretion to control the information that appears on the machine.(1)

(h)Describe one benefit object technology can provide fo the WWW.[2 marks ]
• Turn static web documents into active compound documents that can interact with users just like applications on the desktop
• Provide a seamless integration of various information media
• Support secure, long-lived transactions that execute over a long period of time, as they travel from server to server
• Support roaming agents: electronic agents which may work for consumers and businesses, collect statistics, or perform system management
• Enable server and network load balancing
• Order the content on the web, by providing interfaces to object-oriented and relational databases
For any one benefit: (1) for a partial description, 2) for a complete description

(i)State three perceived benefits of a commercial company promoting themselves on the WWW.[3 marks ]
updating catalogues (1); allowing sers to download software (1); making company information immediately available (1); allowing online ordering (1);enabling quicker transactions (1).(Maximum 3 marks.)