April 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 2

(a)What is web demography?[2 marks ]
The study of the characteristics of web users (1); eg. their tastes, preferences, behaviour on the web (1)

(b)Who needs to be concerned with web demographics, and why?[4 marks ]
Information providers (1) can make their content and design more suitable for the users (1); businesses or commercial institutions (1) can determine the best way to market their products (1).

(c)Describe the user survey method of collecting information.[2 marks ]

User surveys collect personal information (eg.gender,age etc.)(1); also can collect beliefs and opinions (1); conducted on the internet via forms or email (1); may also use phone, postal mail or interviews (but less likely for web demographics) (1). (Maximum 2 marks.)

(d)Discuss two limitations of the usre survey method of collecting information.
[4 marks ]

• Respondents volunteer to do the surveys, (1) therefore the data may not accurately reflect the general web population as a whole (1)
• Respondents may provide incorrect or incomplete information (1), so the data may not correctly represent the web population (1)
• Results may be affected (1) by the order or phrasing of the questions (1)
• Form-based surveys may only be used by those who have form-supporting browsers (1), so the results may may not correctly represent the web population (1)
Maxim m 4 marks from any 2 of the above points.

(e)Give an example of a situation when collecting information using a survey would be appropriate, and describe how the information collected would be used.[3 marks ]
For example, you are wanting to start a new basketball club, and you have created a new website advertising for players ((1) for stating an aim).You will need to survey the people who visit the page to see what age groups and experience you will need to cater for. The information collected from the users will be age and experience ((1) for stating
what information will be collected).This information will be counted up to see how many experienced/novice players there are, and what the most popular age groups are ((1) for saying how the information will be used)