April 1999


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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for Question 4


(a) What is noise in the context of data communications. Why is noise a problem?


(b) What is attenuation? Why is it undesirable? Explain the chief cause of attenuation in terrestrial microwave communications.


(c) Some types of noise can be overcome by careful design. However, there is one type of noise which is unavoidable. What is this type of noise called? Explain why it is unavoidable.


(d) What is meant by delay distortion and how is this problem overcome?


(e) The following bytes have been received. They are encoded using even parity. Which ones have been corrupted by communication noise?

pic1.gif (1284 bytes)


Suppose that every fourth byte is inserted as an LRC (longitudinal redundancy check)  check character (with even parity). What was the original 6-byte message? What assumptions have you made?


(f) What is the transmission efficiency of the message transmission scheme used in part (e)? [2]