April 1999


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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(a) (i) Describe informally the bubble sort algorithm. [2]
(ii) Describe informally the quick sort algorithm. [2]
(iii) Describe informally the selection sort algorithm.


(b) (i) The procedure BubbleSort takes an unsorted list x and iterates through the list, performing a bubble sort on at most one pair until the list is sorted. Show the state of the following list after each complete iteration of the BubbleSort procedure, assuming that a sorted list is one in which the value of each item increases along the list:

10,  5,  4,  1


(ii) The procedure SelectionSort takes an unsorted list x and iterates through the list, performing a selection sort on at most one pair until the list is sorted. Show the state of the following list after each iteration of the SelectionSort procedure, assuming that a sorted list is one in which the value of each item increases along the list:

12,  10,   6,    3,   7,   1


(c) Define the procedure

Procedure SelectionSort(Var List: ListType; ListSize: Integer)

used above, such that the procedure will take an unsorted list of integers and return a list which has been sorted using a selection sort into increasing order.
