April 1999


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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(a) Encapsulation is an important concept in object-oriented programming. Explain what is meant by encapsulation and give one advantage of it. [3]
Encapsulation is the grouping of essential information together, so that is can be treated as a whole, one can manipulate encapsulated object without regard of its operations or internal behaviour.
Advantage: Provide data hiding and abstraction.


The following declaration of a class Stack in C++ is one example of an encapsulated data type.

template <class T>
class Stack {
   T stack[1000];  // A stack is an array of 100
   int size;    // The number of items in the stack

   Stack();   // Constructor that initialises the
              // stack
   int get_size();  // Return the number of items
                    // in the stack
   void push(T);    // Place an item at the top
                    // of the stack
   T pop();         // Remove an return the top
                    // item on the stack


(b) The Stack class implements the stack data type as an array of 100 items. State one advantage and one disadvantage of implementing a stack in this way. [2]
Advantage: Array is easy to manipulate and access.
Disadvantage: Array size is fixed, hence it cannot shrink or expand as wished. Using array also results in wasting of space for unused location.


(c) Give an implementation of the method size. [1]
int get_size()
{ return size;}


(d) Give an implementation of the method push that prints an appropriate error message if the stack is full. [3]
template <class T>
void push(T in)
{   if (size > 100)
       cout << "Stack is full!" << endl;
    else {
       stack[size-1] = in;


(e) Give an implementation of the method pop that prints an appropriate error message if the stack is empty. [3]
template <class T>
T pop()
{   if (size <= 0)
       cout << "Stack is empty!" << endl;
    else {
       T item = stack[size-1];
    return item;


(f) Implement a function filter that takes a stack s and an item c of type T, and returns a new stack that contains only the elements of s that are less than c.
You may assume the operator < is defined for all types.
Stack<T> filter(Stack<T> & s, T c){
   T item;
   Stack<T> temp;
   while (s.get_size() != 0){
      item = s.pop();
      if (item < c)
   s = temp;
   return s;

(g) State an alternative way to implement the stack encapsulated data type and explain how it improves upon an array implementation. [2]
Linked list. In linked list, the stack makes use of pointer. One can add and allocate the space for push anytime he/she wants without having to limit the size allocated earlier. It is more dynamic, and if the memory space is large, one can even disregard the full stack situation.