1999 QUESTION 2 Total Marks: 20 Marks |
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(a) | Name and briefly describe the primary and secondary goals of an operating system. In both cases, describe how these goals may be achieved. | [4] |
(i) To make the
computer system convenient to use. By achieving this goal, operating system will presents the users with a virtual machine that is easy to program. (ii)
To use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.
(b) | (i) What is the purpose of a scheduler? | [1] |
(ii) describe three main objectives of scheduling. | [3] | |
(i) The purpose of
scheduler is to decide which process to be allocated to the CPU for execution. (ii) Scheduling objectives:
(c) | Describe two characteristics of each of the following scheduling algorithms: | |
(i) First come first served. | [2] | |
(ii) Shortest job first. | [2] | |
(iii) Round robin. | [2] | |
(iv) Priority scheduling. | [2] | |
(i) First come first
served - the process that requests for the CPU first, the CPU is allocated to it first. (ii) Shortest job first (iii) Round Robin (iv) Priority Scheduling
(d) | (i) What is the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling? | [2] |
(ii) Which of the above scheduling algorithms can be implemented as a non-preemptive algorithm? | [2] | |
(i) Preemptive In preemptive scheduling, CPU can be forcefully taken away from the process that is currently using it. Non-
preemptive (ii)