August 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 3

In the context of data communications switching is needed because it is impossible to form point to point connections with all other nodes. Switching provides a way to share common communication resources.

(a) There are two distinct packet switching techniques. What are they known as
and what are the differences between them? [5]
(a) datagram and virtual circuit [1]

1 point for issue subject to a maximum of 4 points
Any other relevant points should earn credit

(b) Is message switching suitable of interactive traffic? Give reasons for your
answer. [2]
(b) No[1] . It is subjected to several types of delays such as propagation
delay and queueing delay, but in interactive work, delays are to be
avoided. [1]

(c) Is it true to say that ATM networks are connection-oriented networks? Explain
how the cells (ATM equivalents to packets) are routed. [4]
(c) ATM cells are routed by using virtual-circuits[1]. Firstly a logical circuit is set-up from the source to the destination nodes.[1] This involves making
entries at each intermediate router. All cells would then follow this
path[1]. Hence, all cells would arrive in order[1]
Other relevant explanation is also acceptable subject to a maximum of 4

(d) Would it be accurate to say that since there is no addressing overheads in circuit switching therefore this technique provides better line utilization than packet switching? Justify your answer. [4]
(d) NO[1] in circuit switching the bandwidth is dedicated until it is
terminated[1] therefore in periods of "silence" the bandwidth cannot be
utilized by other parties.
This often results in poor line utilization[1].
Packet- switching, although having rather high addressing, does not
reserve and bandwidth and therefore in periods of "silences" the
bandwidth may be utilized by other parties[1]