August 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 3

(a) State one similarity and one difference between the nodes of a binary tree and an n-ary tree. [2 marks]
(a) • Both have only one parent node; (1 mark)
• A binary tree has only two leaf nodes, an n-ary tree has n; (1 mark)
[2 marks]

(b) Draw a tree structure to represent the expression ( ((a + b) * c) ^d ) [3 marks]
(b) The tree should look like:

And the following marking scheme should be used:
• Correctly positioning ^sub expression as the root tree; (1 mark)
• * as the next sub expression, on its left; (1 mark)
• + as the next sub expression, on its left; (1 mark)
[3 marks]

(c) Given the following dynamic tree structure, used to model arithmetic expressions:
TYPE BTreeNodeDatum= (Leaf, Plus, Minus);
TYPE BTreeNodePtr= ^BTreeNode;
  Left, Right : BTreeNodePtr;
  Datum : BTreeNodeDatum;
Write a function, called Calculate, which will return the value of an arithmetic expression given in the above binary tree format. [5 marks]
(c) A sample definition of Calculate follows:
Function Calculate(root : BTreeNodePtr) : Integer;
  Case root.op of
    Leaf: Calculate := rootˆ.Datum;
    Plus: Calculate:= Calculate(rootˆ.Left) + Calculate(rootˆ.right);
    Minus: Calculate:= Calculate(rootˆ.Left) - Calculate(rootˆ.right);
And the following marking scheme should be used:
• A suitable function signature; (1 mark)
• A selection statement to identify the operator; (1 mark)
• Returning the data value when a leaf is reached; (1 mark)
• Applying an operator when one is found; (1 mark)
• To the correct subtrees; (1 mark)

(d) Given the following (alternative) definition of a static binary tree:
TYPE BTreeNodeDatum = (Leaf, Plus, Minus);
LeftNodeIndex, RightNodeIndex : INTEGER;
Datum : INTEGER;
BTree = ARRAY[1 .. MaxNodes] OF BTreeNode;
Write a function Position, the signature of which is given below, which will traverse a tree of the type given above for a given entry d, and will return the index in the array corresponding to the the position of d. The LeftNodeIndex and teh RightNodeIndexin each BTreeNode give the indices in the array of the left adn right subtrees respectively.
You can assume that a value of 0 for a left or right index indicates there is no subtree on that node.
FUNCTION Position(rootTree: BTree;
d: INTEGER; currentNode: INTEGER): INTEGER; [5 marks]
(d) A sample definition of Position follows:
Function Position(root: BTree, d: Integer, currentNode: Integer) : Integer;
  if root[currentNode].Datum= d then
    Position:= currentNode;
  else begin
    if root[currentNode].LeftNodeIndex != 0 then
    Position := Position(root, root[currentNode].LeftNodeIndex, d);
    if root[currentNode].RightNodeIndex != 0 then
    Position := Position(root, root[currentNode].LeftNodeIndex, d);
    Position:= 0;
And the following marking scheme should be used:
• Returning the array position if the element is found; (1 mark)
• Recursing with the leftmost branch if not; (1 mark)
• And then the rightmost; (1 mark)
• Correct arguments to the recursive calls; (1 mark)
• Returning 0 if the tree has been traversed without the element being found; (1 mark)
[5 marks]