August 2000 QUESTION 3 Total Marks: 15 Marks |
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(a) Declare a pointer to an array of characters, called MyChar, the length of which should not be decided until allocation time. [1 mark] (b) Give the results of executing the
following function calls, and explain your answer: (c) Implement a function, called Convert, which takes a pointer to a string s, and converts all of the lower case characters in the string to upper case characters. All upper case characters should remain unchanged. Note that the ASCII values of A to Z is the range 65 to 90, and a to z is 97 to 122. [5 marks] (d) Implement a function, called StrCaseCmp, such that it takes in two pointers to strings, s and t and compares the two strings, ignoring the case of the individual characters. The function should return an integer less than, equal to or greater than zero if s is found, respectively, to be less than, equal to or greater than t. [5 marks] |