(a) The specification of a project frequently
forms the basis for correct software
development. Two of the benefits of specification document are:
- The development of a formal contract for development between users
developers, and
- A means for assessing quality of software.
Based on your understanding of the specification documents, describe
how each
of these benefits are true. [4]
(b) Fourth generation techniques are examples of a software development
Some characteristics of fourth generation techniques include the fact
that they
are easy to use and the fact that they enable users with limited software
development skills to develop programs. Based on your understanding
of fourth
generation techniques, describe how these characteristics are true.
(c) The following are commonly made statements to do with software
For each, describe how each statement can be true:
- Requirements tend to changed early in development.
- The prototype is often rushed.
- Classical method of development is a default methodology that
software developers would adopt.
- 4 th generation techniques do not replace the need for good
design. [8]