(a) Name any five Web related career
possibilities. [5]
Answer: Award 1 mark each for any 5 careers
listed below.
Artist/Graphics Designer, Author/Journalist, Instructional Designer,
Internet/WWW Instructor Primary/Secondary Educator Internetwork
Engineer, Internet/www Consultant, Marketing/Advertising Professional;,
Protocol Designer, Software Engineer/Programmer, or Webmaster
(b) List three typical ways in which
the WWW may be used for education, and
briefly describe each one. [6]
Answer: For disseminating information [1]:
delivering course content
though online lectures, paperless classes etc. [1]; In
administration and public relations [1]: for presenting information
about an educational
institution to the general public, including its staff, visions, activities
etc. [1]; For online resources and projects [1]: teaching staff may
access a wide range of relevant and useful resources produced elsewhere.
Award marks for alternative answers.
(c) One application of real-time audio
and video technology is videoconferencing.
Describe what videoconferencing is. Suggest one advantage and one
disadvantage of a videoconference. [4]
Answer: videoconferencing is when people
at different locations [1]
communicate at the same time through the transmission of audio and
video signals [1] between the two locations. An advantage is the ability
to communicate in real time without the cost of expensive travel [1];
disadvantages are that there may be an awkward time delay between
the visual and the aural, the people are limited in their movement
by the camera, and it is difficult to see the facial details of each
speaker in a large meeting [1]. Accept other alternate answers.