August 1997


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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Solutions and allocated marks are indicated in green.
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2. (a) What is the effect of adding the keyword static to a local variable in a procedure? [2]
the various retains its value between function calls, [1]
and exists throughout the lifetime of the program execution. [1]
(b) Given the following program:

Result of tracing the add_val procedure:
(i) What is the output of the program when it is executed? [4]
Result of tracing the program execution:
Value is 5 and result is 47 [1]
Value is 1 and result is 1 [1]
Value is 6 and result is 7 [1]
Value is 21 and result is 28 [1]
(ii) What would the output be if the static keyboard were removed? [4]
Result of tracing the program when the static keyword is removed:
Value is 5 and result is 47 [1]
Value is 1 and result is 1 [1]
Value is 6 and result is 48 [1]
Value is 21 and result is 63 [1]
If the students omit the Value is . . . and result is . . ., but give the correct numerical values of value and result, award the marks as above.
(c) Trace the output produced when the following C programs are executed:
Output of two C programs:
(i) Program 1: [4]

x.a = 42 [1]
x.p = 1969 [1]
y.a = 1998 [1]
y.p = 1998 [1]
Award one mark for each of numbers in the output above. Do not deduct marks if the answers do not include the accompanying text such as x.a =. If the values for y.a and y.b are 1997, award on mark, instead of zero, for the two lines.
[4 marks]
(ii) Program 2: [6]

77 & 42 = 8 [1]
77 | 42 = 111 [1]
77 ~ 42 = 103 [1]
4 << 2 = 16 [1]
16 >> 2 = 4 [1]
~(-2) = 1 [1]
Award one mark for each line of output. Do not deduct marks if the students just list the size results without the text to the left of the =.
[6 marks]