August 1997

QUESTION 1 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 20 Marks

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1. (a) Express the decimal number -0.187510 in the floating point format M(6) E(4), with both mantissa and exponent in 2's complement. [4]
0.1875 = 0.00112
= 0.11000 * 2-2
-0.1875 = 101000 * 2-2
101000 1110
mantissa exponent
One mark for initial conversion to binary, one mark for moving point, one mark for correct mantissa, one mark for correct exponent.
[4 marks]
(b) Perform the following addition :
1000 1001BCD + 0111 11012 [3]
Convert the answer into hexadecimal representation. [1]
1000 1001BCD
= 8910
= 10110012
One mark for each correct conversion, to a total of two marks
One mark for a correct addition
= D616
One mark
[4 marks]
(c) Derive a simplified POS (product of sums) expression from the following K map: [4]
The K-map should be
Two marks for the above answer; one mark if another grouping is provided which includes more don't cares but no 1's
Two marks for the above answer; one mark for correct answer based on wrong grouping; one mark for wrong answer but correct with respect to grouping given - that is, a consequential error.
If candidate takes SOP route, and correctly derives the POS as the complement of the expression obtained by grouping the 1's, then they should receive full marks.
[4 marks]
(d) Give the truth table for the block diagram shown below: [4]

One mark for each correct row; half marks would be unnecessary here.
[4 marks]
(e) Consider the circuit shown below [4]
and complete the waveform for output Q, as input A varies as shown over four clock cycles:
The waveform for Q should be as follows

One mark for each correct clock cycle: a, b, c, and d.
[4 marks]