August 1997


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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for Question 4

4. (a) RIVERSIDE SECONDARY SCHOOL is in the midst of computerizing some of its routine operations to free the staff of tedious tasks, especially during the beginning and end of the academic year. [10]
Prior to the start of a new year the Heads of Departments (HoDs) will draw out the Class Schedules for the staff under them. The lessons to be given at the various levels are fixed and kept in a Curriculum file and is used for the schedule preparation. Once the Schedules for the staff have been drawn out they are printed and distributed to the various staff at the school. The staff are encouraged to pinpoint any discrepancies to the HoDs who would then correct the mistakes and reprint the revised schedules. The final schedules are then printed out in triplicate. One copy goes to the principal, the second copy is filed in the Schedule File for reference, and the third goes to the staff.
Represent the above scenario in a Data Flow Diagram. Begin with the creation of the curriculum file and then extend your diagram to show the distribution of the final schedules.
(b) New admissions to RIVERSIDE are also handled by the staff. This includes processing of the applications and selecting the successful candidates. The successful candidates are sent congratulation letters while the unsuccessful ones are sent rejection letters. The Students Database is then updated with the new students' particulars. [10]
During the course of the academic year, the staff in charge of the respective classes have to update the student files with their test marks for each month and keep track of their progress. Every three months the Quarterly Performance Report of individual students are printed out for an evaluation by the HoD.
Represent the above in a logical Data Flow Diagram.