August 1999


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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Question 2

(a) One of the key features of an Object Oriented programming language is the ability to design abstract data types. Explain what is meant by an abstract data type. [3]


An abstract data type is:
  • A non aggregate data type;
  • With utility operations which operate on that data type;
  • And a strong association between the data and the operations which act upon it.


(b) A Java class consists of member variables and methods. Explain, with reference to your definition of an abstract data types, what is meant by the terms

(i) member variable

(ii) method





(i) Member variables are the data held in the class.

(ii) Methods are the operations, or functions, which operate on them.


(c) List 3 primitive data types in the Java programming language. [3]
Any 3 of :
  • boolean
  • char
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • double
  • float


(d) A computer screen is displayed by coloring in a set of pixels (picture elements). Each pixel can be characterized by an x coordinate and a y coordinate.

(i) Define a class, called Pixel, which represents this idea.

(ii) The resolution of a VGA screen is 256 pixels by 256 pixels, giving a total of 65536 pixels. Define a class, VGA_Screen, which contains an array of pixels called MyScreen which is sufficiently large enough to represent the VGA screen.

(iii) Write a main method, which is a member of your VGA_Screen class. Using two nested for loops, the method should initializes the values of the x and y values of each pixel in the array MyScreen, such that each pixel is given a unique coordinate on the screen.






(i) a sample definition of Point follows:

public class Point{
   int x;
   int y;


(ii) A sample definition of VGA_Screen follows :

public class VGA_Screen {
   Pixel MyScreen[65535];


(iii) A sample definition of the main function follows:

public static void main ( ){
   int elem = 0;
   for (int a = 0; a<=255; a++) {
     for (int b=0; b<=255; b++) {