August 1999

QUESTION 1 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 20 Marks

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(a) (i) Describe one advantage of using the object oriented approach to programming.

(ii) Describe one disadvantage of using the object oriented approach to programming.




(b) (i) Explain the reasons for dividing classes into public and private areas.

(ii) Define a class called Triangle, which contains three private member integer variables, called side_a, side_b and side_c, which represents the sides of the triangle. Your class should also contain a default constructor and a default destructor.

(iii) Assume your Triangle class contains another constructor function, which instead takes three parameters. Give the O-O name for this situation.





(c) (i) Explain the differences between passing arguments to a function by value and by reference.

(ii) Write a function which takes an array of characters and an integer specifying the length of the array, and reverses the order of characters in the array.

