August 1999


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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Question 3

(a) Identify and explain any three characteristics of digital signatures. [6]
  • The signature is not reusable: the signature is a function of the document and cannot be transfer to another document.
  • The signature is unforgettable: only the sender knows the private key.
  • The signature is authentic: the receiver verifies the messages using the sender's public key.
  • The signature cannot be repudiated): the receiver does not need the sender's help to verify the signature.
  • The signature is unalterable): if there is any alteration to the signature, it can no longer be verified with sender's public key.


(b) (i) Explain the different options available for multiple users to sign same digital document.

(ii) Identify the disadvantages associated with these options.



Option one: both users sign separate copies of the same document; option two: user A would sign the document and then user B would sign the user A signature.


The disadvantage of the former is that the resultant message would be twice the size of the original document; the disadvantage of the latter is that it is impossible to verify user A's signature without verifying user B's signature.


(c) Under what circumstance is the encryption process considered to be equivalent to the signature verification process? Why is this? Does it cause any possible attack? Explain. [6]
When both encrytosystem and digital signature use same algorithm. Both encryption/decryption and signature/verification are inverse in operation.Encryption and verification operations are similar and make use public key, i.e., Vx = Ex. Decryption and signature operations are similar and make use of secret key, i.e., Sx = Dx. This does cause a problem as third party can get access to message by using public keys of first and second party, and his own secret key.


(d) Discuss the reasons for limited scope of internal auditing in computer security. [4]
Few auditors have deep technical knowledge about computing, while only a few computer personnel have any deep audit exposure. This results in auditors being actively discouraged from auditing complex computer systems. Hence the contribution that internal audit function can make to computer security is diminished.