1999 QUESTION 4 Total Marks: 20 Marks |
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(a) | Distinguish between the operating system kernel and security kernel by discussing the purpose and the services provided by each. | [4] |
The operating system
kernel performs the lowest level functions; it implements services such as
synchronisation, inter-process communications, message-passing and interrupt handling. The
security kernel is responsible for implementing the security mechanisms of the entire
operating system; it provides security interface among the hardware, operating system and
other parts of the computing system.
(b) | Identify and explain any two reasons for isolating the security kernel from the operating system kernel. | [4] |
(c) | Explain briefly, any four issues under Procedure of Use that can improve the security in use of PC. | [4] |
(d) | Explain how Call-back and Silent Modems help to protect computers from unauthorized access. | [4] |
Call-back modem: the
user calls the computer and enters a login ID; the computer figures out the telephone
number of the authorised user and calls back that number. Silent modem: when the user
calls the computer, the modem won't signal the connection until the login process has
begun; these modems are used to keep crackers doing random dialing.
(e) | What are the important objectives of a good disaster plan? | [2] |
To minimize the impact
of a disaster on the ability to conduct business. Speedy and accurate recovery to normal
(f) | Explain the disk mirroring and disk duplexing features available in the standard network products used for disaster recovery. | [2] |
Disk mirroring:
maintains the duplicate data on separate disks using the same bus adapter; Disk Duplexing:
maintains the duplicate data on separate disks using separate bus adapters.