December 1998

QUESTION 1 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 20 Marks

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(a) Name two type modifiers other than unsigned.


(b) Name two storage class modifiers other than static.


(c) Describe what a structure and a union are, and identify the difference between the two.


(d) Create appropriate declarations for each of the following variables:
(i) digits, an array of 10 unsigned integers. [1]
(ii) apc, an array of 20 pointers to characters. [1]
(iii) pacc, a pointer to an array of 20 characters.


(e) Write a procedure maxpair that takes two integer valued parameters x and y as its arguments. The effect of the procedure should be to change the values of x and y so that x holds the larger of the two values, and y the smaller.


(f) Trace the following code segment and produce the output:

void main(void) {
     int num_list[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
     int i, *one, *two;

     one = &num_list[1];
     two = num_list;
     *(one-1) = 42;
     *two = 66;
     printf("First = %d\n", *one);
     printf("Second = %d\n", num_list[0]);

     one = one + 3;
     two = (++two) + 1;
     printf(""Third = %d\n", *one);
     printf("Fourth = %d\n", *two);

     for(i=0; i<5; i++) printf("%d ", num_list[i]);

