December 1998


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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Solutions and allocated marks are indicated in green.
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2. (a) With the aid of an example, describe how deadlock can occur when two processes are competing for resources.

Marks should be awarded on the following basis:

  • Four marks should be awarded if the candidate provides an example which illustrates deadlock, and describes how deadlock occurs in the example.
  • Three marks should be awarded if the candidate provides an example which illustrates deadlock and provides a definition of deadlock (but does not illustrate how it occurs in the example).
  • Two marks should be awarded if the candidate provides an example which illustrates deadlock, but without an explanation of how it occurs.
  • One mark should be awarded if the candidate demonstrates a slight grasp of the subject matter (e.g. there is an attempt at a diagram involving resources and processes, but no deadlock).

No marks should be awarded otherwise.



(b) Name two strategies which may be employed in handling deadlock.


One mark should be awarded for each valid point (up to a maximum of two marks). Examples include the following:

  • Deadlock detection and recovery.
  • Deadlock avoidance.
  • Deadlock prevention.

Other sensible answers should also receive credit.


(c) Distinguish between the terms job scheduler and CPU scheduler.
A job scheduler is responsible for admitting jobs into the system (1 mark), whereas a CPU scheduler allocates CPU time to jobs in the ready queue (1 mark).

Other sensible answers should also receive credit.



(d) Suppose, in a multiprogramming environment, a processor is assigned the following jobs for execution.


Arrival Time

CPU Time


















Priority is highest for 1 and lowest for 4.

Draw a Gantt Chart to illustrate the execution of these jobs using the following scheduling algorithms.

(i) First come first served.

Two marks should be awarded for a correct Gantt chart; one mark should be awarded if there is a minor slip in labelling; no marks should be awarded otherwise.

pic1s.gif (2686 bytes)


(ii) Round robin, with a time quantum of 2.

Two marks should be awarded for a correct Gantt chart; one mark should be awarded if there is a minor slip in labelling; no marks should be awarded otherwise.

pic2s.gif (8413 bytes)

(iii) Priority scheduling.

Two marks should be awarded for a correct Gantt chart; one mark should be awarded if there is a minor slip in labelling; no marks should be awarded otherwise.

pic3s.gif (5492 bytes)


(e) For each of the algorithms mentioned in part (b), compute the average waiting time.
(i) The waiting time for 1 is 0, the waiting time for 2 is 1, the waiting time for 3 is 4, and the waiting time for 4 is 9 (1 mark). Therefore, the average waiting time is 14/4 = 3.5 (1 mark).


(ii) The waiting time for 1 is 0, the waiting time for 2 is 1 + 4 = 5, the waiting time for 3 is 2 + 4 + 2 = 8, and the waiting time for 4 is 3 + 4 + 2 = 9 (1 mark). Therefore, the average waiting time is 22/4 = 5.5 (1 mark).


(iii) The waiting time for 1 is 18, the waiting time for 2 is 8, the waiting time for 3 is 11, and the waiting time for 4 is 0 (1 mark). Therefore, the average waiting time is 37/4 = 9.25 (1 mark). [2]