December 1999


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 3


In preparation for the Year 2000 celebrations, you are to design a controller for an electronic ‘marquee’ banner. The banner will show the message “2000”:

(The larger circles indicate lit bulbs.) The display will consist of twenty light bulbs, arranged in a rectangle of width 4 and height 5. It will cycle through 16 phases, displaying a horizontally-scrolling ‘window’ onto the above message. Thus, in phase 0 the bulbs show columns 1 to 4 of the message (as in Figure 1 below). In phase 1, the message scrolls one place left, so the bulbs show columns 2 to 5 of the message (Figure 2). The next three phases are shown in Figures 3 to 5.

The light bulbs are operated by a controller. This controller takes four inputs from a 4-bit counter, and produces twenty outputs , one for each light bulb.



Complete this truth table for the control for bulb , the top left bulb in the display.

(Here, a ‘1’ in the last row indicates that the bulb should be lit).
Truth table:

(Full marks for a completely correct table; 1 mark if there is just one mistake; no marks if there are more mistakes.)



Give an unsimplified sum-of-products expression for .
(1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 14) (Full marks for a completely correct expression; 1 mark if there is just one mistake; no marks if there are more mistakes.)



Simplify this SOP expression, using a Karnaugh map.
The Karnaugh map is

and so . (1 mark for each correct block in the map, 1 mark for each correct term in the simplified expression. Watch for consequential error, if they got the SOP expression from the previous part wrong.) [4 marks]



Use boolean algebra to derive a product-of-sums expression for the negation of the above simplified sum-of-products expression. State the laws used.
Product of sums:

(1 mark for each correct step (to a maximum of 2 marks), 1 mark for naming the law(s) used, 1 mark for obtaining the correct answer. Award a maximum of 3 marks if they derive the POS expression for the ones instead of the expression for the zeroes. Watch for consequential error, in case they got the simplified SOP expression wrong.) [4 marks]



Draw a circuit to implement the simplified SOP expression.
The circuit is:

(1 mark for each AND gate correctly connected; 1 mark for clear labelling. Watch for consequential error, if they got the SOP expression wrong.) [3 marks]
