1999 QUESTION 2 Total Marks: 15 Marks |
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(a) |
Explain the difference between Intranets and Extranets. Intranets are collections of networks that are administered by a single entity or organisation (1).Extranets are the services provided to users outside the organisation through its own network (1).
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(b) |
Explain the role of HTML,HTTP and URL in the process of Web interaction between a Web browser Client and a host computer. Information of Web is organised as Hyper Text Mark-up Language files (1).Web browsers retrieve these HTML files from the Web servers using a specialised protocol, the Hyper Text Transport Protocol (1).Web browsers identify the HTML files by using Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)address (1).
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(c) |
Explain why data flows down a protocol stack synchronously,but flows up a protocol stack asynchronously. The data flow
downward synchronously through a protocol stack is usually via system
calls (1),so the module is aware of the data coming from the module
above it (1). Typically,an interrupt-handling scheme is used to pass
data upwards (1).Hence a module cannot predict or not aware when the
module below it will pass data coming off the network (1).
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(d) |
Discuss any three issues that distinguish network applications from traditional applications. Any three of the following: Data representation
(1):makes use of different standards for representing data across
heterogeneous machines.E.g.ASCII,EBCDIC,GIF and MIME (1). |
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