December 1999


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 5


Explain with a suitable example the purpose of specifying the scheme (i.e.the first component)in a URL address.

The purpose of the scheme in URLs is to specify the protocol used to access the resource (1).Example: file,HTTP,or telnet (1).



Describe the pipelined and multi-threaded architectures used in improving the efficiency of the HTTP protocol in retrieving HTMLfiles.

Pipeline: Web browsers can improve the performance by overlapping requests (1)and allowing parallel retrieval (1).
Multi-threaded:this architecture allows Web servers to responds to several client requests simultaneously (2).



Write an HTML fragment for the label that appears when you book-mark a page as “The Centre of Learning",with a page heading “Informatics Computer School".


<title>The Centre of Learning </title>

<h1>Informatics Computer School </h1>


(1)for a suitable header;(1)for a suitable body.Candidates may include extra material without penalty (or reward),and may use upper or lower case for the tags. Candidates omitting the </body>and </html>should not be penalised.



What are the relative advantage and disadvantage of the logical and physical styles in HTML documents.

Logical style:Help to enforce consistency throughout the page (or site)(1).Affect the page based on the configuration of browser (1).
Physical style:Does not affect the page,when browser configuration is changed (1). Offer a different form of consistency by displaying the text the way it is tagged (1).



The power of HTML comes from its ability to link text and documents.Explain three main ways in which the links are used in HTML documents.

Links to specific sections within a document (1).Links between sections of different documents (1).Link to send electronic mail to a specific person (1).
