April 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 2

(a)If it is known that
   students = {john, mary}
   subjects = {co230, ca208}
.   X:students pass(X,co230)
then we can deduce the following additional fact
    pass(john,co230)  pass(mary,co230)
(i)For each of the following statements,state what additional facts ay be deduced:
•~X:students pass(X,ca208)[1mark ]
~pass(john,ca208) ~pass(mary,ca208)(1)
X:students Y:subjects pass(X,Y) [1mark ]
[pass(john,co230) pass(mary,co230) pass(john,ca208) pass(mary,ca208)] (1)
X:students Y:subjects pass(X,Y) [1mark ]
[pass(john,co230) v pass(john,ca208)][pass(mary,co230) v pass(mary,ca208)](1)
•~X:subjects pass(john,X) [1mark ]
~[pass(john,c0230) v pass(john,ca208)]OR ~pass(john,c0230) v~pass(john, ca208)(1)

(ii)Restate the following facts as quantified predicate expressions.
•~pass(john,ca208) .~pass(john,co230) [1mark ]
.X:subjects ~pass(john,X)OR ~X:subjects pass(john,X)(1)
•[pass(john,ca208) pass(john,co230)] v[pass(mary,ca208) pass(mary, co230)] [1mark ]
X:students Y:subjects pass(X,Y)(1)
•pass(john,ca208) v pass(mary,ca208) [1mark ]
.X:students pass(X,ca208)(1)

(b)Use the following predicates to answer this part of the question.
     taught_by(X,Y)          X is taughtbyY
     teach_subject(X,Y)    X teaches the subject Y
     pass(X,Y)                 X passes the subject Y
(i)Restate the following expression as an English sentence:
X Y [taught_by(X, mark) teach_subject(mark,Y)] =>pass(X, Y)
[2marks ]

If a tudent is taught by Mark(1),then the tudent passes all the ubject that Mark teaches (1).
(ii)Given that a student Karyn failed WW221,explain in English what can be
concluded.You should use the given expression
X Y [taught_by(X, mark) teach_subject(mark,Y)] => pass(X, Y)
and show clearly all your working and the logical rules used.[4 arks ]
(1)[taught_by(X,mark) teach_subject(mark,Y)]=>pass(X,Y)
(2) ~pass(karyn,ww221)
Substituting karyn for X and ww221 for Y in (1),
Using contrapositive on (3),
(4) ~pass(karyn,ww221) =>[taught by(karyn,mark)
Using Modu Ponen on (2),(4),we can conclude that
=> taugh_ by(karyn,mark)
~teach subject(mark,ww221)(De Morgan ’s)
Conclusion:Karyn wa not taught by Mark,or Mark did not teach WW221 (Alternative:some working may use Modus Tollens instead).(1)for correct indication of substitution of variables,(2)for working,(1)for the conclusion.

X Y [taught_by(X, mark) teach_subject(mark,Y)] =>pass(X, Y)
and the knowledge that Joe passed WW221,explain if we can confidently conclude that Mark teaches WW221 and that Joe was taught by Mark.[2 marks ]
The form of reasoning that would allow u to make the conclusion is abductive reasoning.Given that the conclusion is true,it may be because the premises are true,but it may not nece arily be o (1).So we cannot confidently say that mark teaches WW221 and that Joe was taught by Mark. Joe might have been taught by another lecturer teaching WW221 (1).