April 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 5

(a)Language processing is broken down into seven levels of analysis. For each of the following linguistic examples, state the particular level of analysis that it relates to.
(i)To determine the different meanings when someone says “Yes ”,“Yes?”and “Yes!” [1mark ]
prosody (1)
(ii)To determine the meaning of the ambiguous statement “Fruit flies like bananas ” by knowing about the objects in the statement.[1 mark ]
world knowledge (1)
(iii)To determine how the words “unable ”and “ability ”relate to the word “able ”. [1mark ]
morphology (1)
(iv)To determine how the sentence “I ’ll tell your father that you have been naughty ” could change the behaviour of a young child.[1 mark ]
pragmatic (1)
(v)To determine the meaning of the sentence “The dog bit the boy ”.[1 mark ]
semantic (1)
(vi)To determine if the sentence “I ain ’t done nothing ”is grammatically correct. [1mark ]
syntax (1)
(vii)To determine the correct response to the question “Can you tell me the time?” [1mark ]
pragmatic (1)

(b)Define a symbolic system, and explain why a language is a symbolic system in the context of computational linguistics.[3 marks ]
A symbolic system uses tokens with no inherent meaning to represent information.(1) The equences of sounds or visual images (words and characters) in a language function as symbol to signify the meaning of the peaker or writer.(1)These symbols can be represented in computer system and may be easily manipulated.(1)

(c)Grammar is the study of the structure of words,phrases and sentences.
(i)Briefly describe the concept of generative grammar.[2 marks ]
Generative grammar treats a language as a set of sentences.(1) The sentences are taken to be finite string of words.(1) A generative grammar is a finite ystem of rules for specifying all the sentence of the language (1)(maximum 2 marks)
(ii)What is a rewriting system ?[1 mark ]
Rewriting system allow one string to be derived from the other if the first can be obtained from the second by some finite zequence of rule application .(1)
(iii)Briefly describe two problems with unrestricted rewriting systems.[2 marks]
Firstly, there is nothing inherent in the rewriting system formalism that
distinguishes between natural and arbitrary sets of string (1) Secondly, system of this power are computationally intractable and hence psychologically implausible.(1)