April 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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for Question 2

(a)The process of performance evaluation begins with an inventory:information is
obtained about the design and specification of the existing system.List and explain the other important steps and activities in the process.[5 marks ]

(b)Software does not degrade in the way that hardware does;it is not subject to physical wear and tear.So why is software aintenance necessary?Give two possible reasons.[2 marks ]

(c)Suppose that your company produces a software package for stock control and
customer accounts in video rental stores.Explain,with the aid of examples,what is
meant by the following types of maintenance :
(i)corrective maintenance
(ii)adaptive maintenance
(iii)perfective maintenance
(iv)preventative maintenance
In each case,explain the eaning of the term,and then give an example of how and
why that type of maintenance might be carried out on your company ’s software
package.[8 marks ]