1999 QUESTION 4 Total Marks: 20 Marks |
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(a) | (i) Describe what is meant by a binary tree. | [2] |
A binary
tree is a hierarchical tree structure where each child node, except one (parent or root),
is connected to exactly one parent node.
(ii) Explain the difference between a binary tree and an N-ary tree. | [1] | |
In a
binary tree, each parent node can have at least 2 child nodes or less. For N-ary tree, it
can have more than one or many child nodes, that is, n child nodes.
(iii) Write a declaration for a suitable type to represent a (dynamic) binary tree, which contains an Integer at each node. | [3] | |
Type TreeType = ^ TreeNode; TreeNode = RECORD info = integer; left = TreeType; right = TreeType; end;
(b) | Assume the following arithmetic
(i) Draw a tree structure diagram for each expression. | [2] | |
(ii) Convert each expression into Pre-fix notation. | [2] | |
(A - B) *
(C + D) Prefix : * - A B + C D A * B + C
(iii) Convert each expression into Post-fix notation. | [2] | |
(A - B) *
(C + D) Postfix : A B - C D + * A * B + C
(c) | (i) Write a recursive procedure -
the prototype for which is given below - which takes the root of the binary tree above,
and will perform a preorder traversal printing out the contents of each node as it
traverses the tree. The nodes are of type Integer. PROCEDURE PreOrderTraverser(Tree : TreeType); |
[4] |
PreOrderTraverser ( Tree : TreeType); Begin if (tree<>Nil) then begin writeIn(tree^.info); PreOrderTraverser ( tree^.left); PreOrderTraverser (tree^.right); end; end;
(ii) Write a recursive function, the
prototype for which is given below, which will take the root of the binary tree above, and
count the number of nodes in the tree by performing a postorder traversal FUNCTION PostOrderTraverser(Tree : TreeType) : Integer; |
[4] | |
PostOrderTraverser(Type : TreeType) : Integer; Begin If (tree<>Nil) then PostOrderTraverser : = PostOrderTraverser ( tree^left) + PostOrderTraverser(tree^.right)+1 else PostOrderTraverser :=0; end;