August 2000

QUESTION 1 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 30 Marks

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Question 1

(a) (i) Declare an integer variable, a, defined elsewhere in the program code. [1 mark]
(ii) Declare a pointer, ptr which points to an array of five integers. [1 mark]
(iii) Declare a constant, pi, which has a value of 3.142. [1 mark]
(iv) Define a data type, String, which allows arrays of characters up to 30 long to be stored. [1 mark]
(a) (i) extern int a; [1 mark]
(ii) int (*ptr)[5]); [1 mark]
(iii) const float pi=3.142; [1 mark]
(iv) typedef char String[30]; [1 mark]

(b) (i) Briefly describe the storage allocation of a struct. [2 marks]
(ii) Briefly describe the storage allocation of a union. [2 marks]
(b) (i) • Each member has its own memory allocated; (1 mark)
• The size of the struct is the sum of the sizes of the members. (1 mark)
[2 marks]
(ii) • The members share overlapping memory; (1 mark)
• The size of the union is the size of the largest member. (1 mark)
[2 marks]

(c) State the result of applying the arithmetic operators in the following expressions, given x= 5, y= 10 and z=15, in each statement:
(i) x * y; [1 mark]
(ii) z % x; [1 mark]
(iii) ++x * x; [1 mark]
(iv) x++ + --z; [1 mark]
(c) (i) 50 [1 mark]
(ii) 0 [1 mark]
(iii) 36 [1 mark]
(iv) 19 [1 mark]

(d) State the result of applying the bitwise operators in the following expressions, given x= 23, y= 115 and z=2, in each statement:
(i) x & y; [1 mark]
(ii) x | y; [1 mark]
(iii) x ˆ y; [1 mark]
(iv) x >> z; [1 mark]
(d) (i) 7 [1 mark]
(ii) 31 [1 mark]
(iii) 24 [1 mark]
(iv) 5 [1 mark]

(e) Explain, step by step, with reference to the action of each statement in the source code, the effect of calling the following procedure with two integer reference parameters.
void FooBar(unsigned int* x, unsigned int* y)
  *x += *y;
  *y = *x - *y;
  *x -= *y;
[4 marks]
(e) The procedure FooBar
• Adds the value stored in y to the one stored in x, keeping the result in x; (1 mark)
• Then stores in y the result of subtracting the value in y from that in x; (1 mark)
• Finally it subtracts the value in y from that in x, storing the result in x; (1 mark)
• The effect is that the values stored in x and y are swapped. (1 mark)
[4 marks]

(f) Implement an iterative function, called Divide, the signature of which is given below, which takes in two integer parameters x, y and a reference parameter z. On exit, z should reference the remainder when x is divided by y, and the function should return the result of the division. You may not use either the division or modulo operators.
int Divide(int x, int y, int* z); [5 marks]
(f) A sample definition of Divide follows:
int Divide(int x, int y, int* z)
  int counter= 0;
  *z= 0;
  do {
    x= x- y;
  } while(x>= y);
  (*z)= x;
  return counter;
And the following marking scheme should be used:
• Initialising the correct values of (*z) and counter; (1 mark)
• Declaring a loop bound by a condition appropriate to the calculation inside; (1 mark)
• Ensuring the correct values are calculated inside the loop; (1 mark)
• Returning the correct value of the divider; (1 mark)
• Returning the correct value of the remainder. (1 mark)
[5 marks]

(g) Implement a recursive procedure, called ShowBinary, the signature of which is given below, that takes in a single integer value, and prints out the binary representation of that integer.
void ShowBinary(int x); [5 marks]
(g) A sample definition of ShowBinary is given below:
void ShowBinary(int x)
  int remainder;
  remainder= x%2;
  if(x!=0) {
    printf("%d", remainder);
And the following marking scheme should be used:
• Calculating the remainder using the mod operator; (1 mark)
• Recursing while x!= 0; (1 mark)
• Recursing when the base case has not been reached; (1 mark)
• With the correct x\2 argument; (1 mark)
• Printing out the remainder after each recursive step; (1 mark)
[5 marks]