August 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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for Question 5

(a) Traditional logic is binary in nature. With the aid of an example, briefly
describe two reasons why this form of logic is insufficient. [3]

(b) Given the following fuzzy set:

(i) Show in the diagram the complement operation on the adult fuzzy set
and give an appropriate name for the resulting fuzzy set. [2]
(ii) Show in a diagram the intersection operation of the adult fuzzy set and
adult complement fuzzy set. [1]
(iii) If a person is 23 years old, what are the membership values of the person
in the adult fuzzy set and in the adult complement fuzzy set? [2]

(c) Given the following fuzzy sets:

(i) Briefly describe the steps in single rule fuzzy inference. [3]
(ii) Given that , what are the values of a and b. [2]
(iii) Given the fuzzy rule “If fuzzy set A and fuzzy set B then fuzzy set C,
, show the output fuzzy set in the diagram.
What is the value of c in the output fuzzy set? [2]