August 2000


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 3

(a) Why is it important to plan an interview? [1]
- Effective utilization of interview time.
- Time allocated is usually under an hour.
- So that information not found in submitted documents can be solicited.
1 mark for any one of the above possible point.

(b) Briefly explain two benefits and two drawbacks of open-ended questions. [4]
Benefits of open-ended question
- Putting the interviewee at ease.
- Allowing the interview to pick up on the interviewee's vocabulary, which reflects on knowledge, values, attitudes and belief.
- Providing richness at ease.
- Revealing richness of detail.
- Revealing avenues of further questioning that may have gone untapped.
- Making it more interesting for the interviewee.
- Allowing more spontaneity.
- Making phrasing easier for the interviewer.
- Using them in a pinch if the interviewer is caught unprepared.
Drawbacks of open-ended question
- Asking questions that may request in too much irrelevant detail.
- Possibly losing control of the interview.
- Allowing responses that may take too much time for the amount of
useful information gained.
- Potentially seeming that the interviewer is unprepared.
- Possibly giving the impression that the interviewer is on a "fishing
expedition" with no real objective for the interview.
One mark should be awarded for each point to a maximum of four.
Any two of each with appropriate explanation will be awarded 2 marks.

(c) (i) “How often do you update the system and how do you it?”
(ii) “The system should be replaced, shouldn’t it?”

The above 2 questions should be avoided in an interview. Name the type of
question they are and explain why they should be avoided. Rephrase each
question so that they are suitable for an interview. [6]
Double barrelled question. [1]
2 question embedded into one.
Should be avoided because interviewee tend to answer only one question [1]
- "How often do you update the system?" [1]
- "How do you update the system?"

Leading question. [1]
Interviewer tends to lead the interviewee into a response that he
Should be avoided, as results will be bias and unreliable. [1]
- "Should the system be replaced?" [1]

(d) You are the head of the computer science department. You are about to conduct an interview to recruit some research fellows for a number of specializations in computer science faculty. At the start of the interview you notice the interviewee is a seemingly quiet but intelligent person. Describe your strategy for an interview structure to gather enough information to place him. Justify your answer. [4]
- Funnel Structure [2]
- Interviewee for appointment into Specialization. Funnel Structure will help the interviewer identify area of specialty after narrowing down from a broad topic. [1]
- The interviewer will help the interviewee ( a quiet person) to relax and bring him to express in a non-threatening atmosphere. [1]
Other appropriate justification will also be acceptable.