August 1999


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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for Question 4

(a) Discuss two reasons for carrying out system performance evaluation.


(b) System modelling is one of the steps performed in the system evaluation process.

(i) Briefly describe the three activities involved in system modelling.

(ii) Describe the three different types of system model that can be produced in system modelling.





(c) Why is hardware maintenance important?


(d) Briefly describe the following four hardware maintenance schemes.

(i) Internal service

(ii) Manufacturer's maintenance agreement

(iii) Third-party services

(iv) Combined services


(e) Which hardware maintenance scheme would be appropriate for a company with 1000 personal computers, and which for a computer with just 1 personal computer?


(f) Why might third-party service be preferable to a manufacturer's maintenance agreement?


(g) Why is software maintenance more complicated than hardware maintenance?

