December 1998


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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Solutions and allocated marks are indicated in green.
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(a) (i) Give the conditions for a graph to be bipartite. [1]
A graph is bipartite  if its vertices can be separated into two sets such that all vertices within the same set are non-adjacent.


(ii) The graph below is not bipartite.


It can be made bipartite by removing one edge. Copy the graph, removing the appropriate edge to make it bipartite.

Edge fi should be removed.


(iii) Give the vertices in each of the subsets X and Y of the bipartition. [2]
X = {a,d,e,f,i},   Y = {b,c,g,h]
X and Y may be interchanged. Subtract one mark for each error or omission up to a maximum of two.


(b) Write down the adjacency matrices and draw the graphs given below:
(i) a complete graph with five vertices [4]

2 marks for matrix - one subtracted for each error or omission up to a maximum of two.
2 marks for graph.


(ii) a K1,5   (complete bipartite). [4]

2 marks for matrix - one subtracted for each error or omission up to a maximum of two.
2 marks for graph.


(iii) a 2-regular graph with 4 vertices. [3]

2 marks for matrix - one subtracted for each error or omission up to a maximum of two.
1 mark for graph.


(c) Consider the set A = {a,b,c} and the relations on A represented by the directed graphs F,G and H below.



For each part, the mark is awarded if candidates identify all the graphs satisfying the conditions and no other graphs. No half marks!
Which of the graphs are [1]
(i) reflexive? [1]


(ii) irreflexive? [1]
None of the graphs.


(iii) symmetric? [1]


(iv) antisymmetric? [1]


(v) transitive? [1]