December 1999

QUESTION 1 (Compulsory)

Total Marks: 30 Marks

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Threats to system security can threaten confidentiality, integrity and availability.

(i) Distinguish between these three categories of threat. [3 marks]

(ii) Which category covers looking over the shoulder of the person at the terminal next to you and reading information on their screen? [1 mark]

(iii) Which category covers an attack which swamps a network with millions of copies of the same email message? [1 mark]

(iv) Which category covers a program that masquerades as a login screen, collecting user passwords? [1 mark]

(v) Which category covers breaking in to a college administration computer and changing your academic record? [1 mark]



Trojan horses, viruses and worms are three means of attacking computers by software.

(i) Give an example of each means. [3 marks]

(ii) What distinguishes trojan horses from viruses and worms? [1 mark]

(iii) What distinguishes a virus from a worm?[1 mark]



The RSA public-key cryptosystem uses mod N for encryption, and mod N for decryption. Which of E, D and N should be made public and which kept secret, and why?



 Explain the similarities between written and digital signatures.



 Identify and give an example of three classes of means of proving one’s identity to an authentication system.



 What is meant by the term biometrics? State the most and the least secure biometric devices in use.



 What is the main objective of disaster recovery? Explain the different approaches used to achieve this objective.
