December 1999


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 3


Flowcharts are often described as being too sequential in nature.List three characteristics of flowcharts which support this argument.
One mark should be awarded for each valid point (up to a maximum of three marks). Examples include the following:

•Activities are represented from top to bottom and from left to right. •There must be a start point and an end point.
•Activities are commonly ordered in a deterministic sequence.

Other valid answers should also receive marks .



Give two ways in which the design of a system can be disadvantaged if flowcharts are used.
One mark should be awarded for each valid point (up to a maximum of two marks). Examples include the following:

•Global data might be used.
•The logic ofthe design tends to be intertwined,meaning that it is difficult to trace and test.
•There is no effective control as a result ofno superior/subordinate relationship.
•Flowcharts do not help in partitioning a system design.

Other valid answers should also receive marks



Illustrate,using examples,each of the following Nassi-Schneiderman chart symbols:

(i)Sequence process.[2 marks ]

(ii)Condition decision process.[2 marks ]

(iii)Case decision process.[2 marks ]

(iv)Iteration process.[2 marks ]

In each case,one mark should be awarded for getting the structure of the symbol,and a further mark should be awarded for illustrating the symbol with a suitable example.



List two drawbacks of using Nassi-Schneiderman charts.
One mark should be awarded for each valid point (up to a maximum of two marks). Examples include the following:

•Nassi-Schneiderman charts can be difficult to draw,especially ifthere are a large number ofnested ifstatements.
•Nassi-Schneiderman charts do not link to a data dictionary.
•Nassi-Schneiderman charts cannot be used at a higher level to illustrate the general structure of a program.

Other valid answers should also receive credit.
