December 1999


Total Marks: 15 Marks

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Question 5


(i)When a new system is being implemented,who determines the associated training strategies?[2 marks ]
Training strategies are determined by who is being trained (1 mark)and who will train them (1 mark).

(ii)What determines the amount of training an individual receives?[1 mark ]

The amount oftraining someone receives depends upon how much their job will change because ofthe new system.



Each of the following is a source of training.For each,state whether they are suitable for training primary users,secondary users,or both:

(i)Other system users.[1 mark ]
Primary users.

(ii)External paid trainers.[1 mark ]
Secondary users.

(iii)In-house trainers.[1 mark ]
Primary users.

(iv)Systems analysts.[1 mark ]

(v)Vendors.[1 mark ]
Secondary users.



State the type of training would you provide for the following individuals:

(i)John,who learns best by ‘seeing ’.[1 mark ]
Demonstrations ofequipment or exposure to training materials. Any sensible answer should receive credit.

(ii)Rick,who learns best by ‘hearing ’.[1 mark ]
Lectures or question and answer sessions. Any sensible answer should receive credit.

(iii)Dave,who learns best by ‘doing ’.[1 mark ]
Hands-on experience with the new equipment. Any sensible answer should receive credit.



(i)List one benefit and one drawback of on-site training.[2 marks ]
A benefit of on-site training is that users see the equipment as it will be when it is fully operational (1 mark).A drawback is that full concentration on the task at hand may not be possible (1 mark). Other valid answers should also receive credit.

(ii)List one benefit and one drawback of of-site training.[2 marks ]
A benefit of of-site training is that employees are free from regular job demands (1 mark).A drawback is that users are away from the context in which they and the system will exist (1 mark). Other valid answers should also receive credit.
