August 1999


Total Marks: 20 Marks

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for Question 3

A water heater is controlled by a device D that monitors four sensors W, X, Y , Z. If sensors W and Z both signal 1, then device D should be on; otherwise, if sensor W signals 0 to sensor Y signals 1, then D should be off; otherwise, if sensors W, X, Y all signal 1, then D should be on; otherwise, if sensor W signals 1 and sensor Z signals 0, then D should be off; otherwise we don't care what the device does.


(a) Give the truth-table for device D.


(b) Give an unsimplified sum-of-products expression for the device D.


(c) Using a Karnaugh map, find the simplified sum-of-products and product-of-sum forms of this expression.


(d) Draw a circuit to implement the simplified sum-of-products above, using AND, OR and NOT.


(e) Express the simplified sum-of-products form from part (c) using only NAND, and hence redraw the circuit using only NAND gates.


(f) Why might the circuit in part (e) be preferable to the circuit in part (d)? What does this mean for the skills of a circuit designer?

