1998 QUESTION 1 (Compulsory) Total Marks: 20 Marks |
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(a) | Give two distinguishing characteristics (e.g., size, lookup and update policy/efficiency) for each of the following data-structures: | |
(i) linked-list | [2] | |
(ii) array | [2] | |
(iii) FIFO queue | [2] | |
(iv) LIFO queue
[2] | |
(b) | Given the following tree:
(i) Write a Pascal type definition, called TreeType that models the tree data-structure shown above. | [3] | |
(ii) What will be printed when the tree shown above is passed to the procedure anonymous below? | [2] | |
PROCEDURE anonymous(VAR root:TreeType); VAR ptr,copy : TreeTypes; BEGIN ptr := root; WHILE (ptr <> Nil) DO BEGIN copy := ptr; IF (ptr^.Left <> Nil) THEN BEGIN ptr := ptr^.Left; copy^.Left := Nil; END ELSE BEGIN IF (ptr^.Right <> Nil) THEN BEGIN ptr := ptr^.Right; copy^.Right := Nil; END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN(ptr^.Data); ptr := ptr^.Up; END END END END;
(iii) Does the procedure anonymous print out the integers held in the tree in a prefix, infix, or postfix style? | [1] | |
(iv) What effect does the procedure have on the tree root? | [1] | |
(v) Write a reursive procedure that performs a preorder traversal of the tree, printing out the integers held within the tree during the traversal. | [5] |